
Note: The installation of the Ixzal Minimum Sales Amount (BCA20114) extension takes about 5 minutes.

You can use the standard Business Central Extension Marketplace function to install the extension. Open the Extension Marketplace from the menu or by typing Marketplace in the "Tell Me" search box. When you are in the Marketplace, you can search for BCA20114 or Ixzal and then select Ixzal Minimum Sales Amount. This will open the Ixzal Minimum Sales Amount (BCA20114) information page.

On the information page, you'll find a Free Trial button (see the red square). After clicking this Free Trial button, you will be asked some questions, and then the installation starts.




After the installation starts, you’ll have to wait a few minutes for the installation to complete. You can monitor the progress of the installation from the deployment status screen. (Menu: Setup & Extensions | Manage | Deployment Status or search for Deployment Status).

On the first instalment of Ixzals Minimum Sales Amount (BCA20114), you’ll get automatically a 14 day fully functional free DEMO license. Registration of the DEMO license is not necessary. The license is for all users and all companies.

You can purchase a PERPETUAL license online. Please read here more about licensing.


After installation, you'll have to assign the proper permissions. Standard users or user groups who are releasing the sales documents must have the "Ixz_BCA20114_User" permissions. For delegated administration, you must have the Ixz_BCA20114_Admin permissions.